This is Pastor Jared's weekly sermon info and his weekly Study and Share devotional Bible study. Unless otherwise noted all sermons and studies are copyright Jared Stillions 2020-2023. The devotional Bible studies may be reproduced & shared for personal, non-sale use, provided this copyright notice is included. The studies are formatted two to a page to make sharing it easier. Weekly posts go live at 9:00 AM on Sundays.
You can find his sermon podcast on the sermon-cast page. Check back each Sunday for new content. The podcast will soon be listed with major services. Why not put them on the same page? Due to limitations of our website builder.
By the way, here's the Lutheran Confessions, The Book of Concord, online and in the public domain. These writings, including Luther's Small & Large Catechisms are frequently referenced in these devotional studies. The Confessions are the historic doctrinal standard of the Lutheran Church and a faithful exposition of the Bible. You could say they are squared, leveled, and plumb by and to the Bible itself.
Kingdom's Weeds Matthew 13:44-52
The King knows what’s worth it, and he’s not afraid to spend for it
Current Series: Whose Kingdom Is It?
How God gathers his people in
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...#2 What does Philippians 2:5-11 add to vv44-46? How could the baptized Body of Christ be a treasure or pearl? See Psalm 8:4-8, 103:1-5; Matthew 6:25-33, 10:31; John 3:16-17; Romans 5:6-11; Revelation 21:2; Small Catechism: Creed, article 2, available
Kingdom's Weeds Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43
Certain methods of weed control harm the good crop, too; better go easy
Current Series: Whose Kingdom Is It?
How God gathers his people in
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...#5 We grant that church on earth will always have bad people, false believers, & the like mixed in (not to mention people who act foolishly). How does this reality make your own holiness & godliness even more important for the sake of your neighbors? See 1 Timothy 6:17-19; Hebrews 13:16; James 4:17; 1 Peter 3:13-17; Apology (defense) of the Augsburg Confession: VII-VIII,
Kingdom's Seeds Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23
You just never know where you’ll find good soil, so the King wants to plant far and wide
Current Series: Whose Kingdom Is It?
How God gathers his people in
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...#3 What is unsettling & uncomfortable about this parable? See Matthew 3:10, 7:19, 23:1-39, 25: 31-46; John 5:24, 37-47, 8:31-47
Reality of the Yoke Matthew 11:25-30
Trust me, you’re worth more to me than you realize, says Jesus
Current Series: Reality Check
Our real calling in everyday life
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...#2 Consider what St. Paul says about our bondage; see Romans 3:9, 19-26, 6:1-23, 11:32; Galatians 3:22-23; see also Matthew 23:1-7; John 8:31-47; 1 John 1:8-10. Is anyone spiritually free of a “yoke” to pick one of their choice? That is, do we come to Jesus from a neutral place & decide his offer against all other spiritual offers, or must he rescue us for his purposes?
Reality of the Team Matthew 9:35--10:8
Jesus teaches his team his playbook, sends them out to play, & tells them he has more positions to fill.
Current Series: Reality Check
Our real calling in everyday life
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...#2 St. Matthew records Jesus’ harvest imagery in 9:37-38, 13:24-30, 36-43, 21:33-41. What’s the harvest? See Revelation 14:1-20, esp. v15; Philippians 1:9-11 What do you need to do to make yourself ready for harvest as grain, not chaff?
Creation to Commission
Genesis 1:1--2:4a
God created me & all that exists for his purposes; God recreates me in Baptism for discipleship
Current Series:
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...#1 Identify the Trinitarian references in this passage & the other readings for the day. You may need to look across multiple verses in a passage. Also, what connections do you find between this week’s readings?
Empowered for Mission Acts Acts 1:12-26
Let us repent of our sin, give thanks for the Holy Spirit, & boldly proclaim the Good News!
Current Series: Forged by the Spirit
Resurrection Power Births a Church
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...#1 Review the Apostles’ Creed in the Small & Large Catechisms to understand who the Holy Spirit is & what he does. Do you notice anything unreasonable or unintelligible about him or his work? Is he pure emotion or energy? See John 15:26-27, 16:12-15; SC, LC