This is Pastor Jared's weekly sermon info and his weekly Study and Share devotional Bible study. Unless otherwise noted all sermons and studies are copyright Jared Stillions 2020-2023. The devotional Bible studies may be reproduced & shared for personal, non-sale use, provided this copyright notice is included. The studies are formatted two to a page to make sharing it easier. Weekly posts go live at 9:00 AM on Sundays.
You can find his sermon podcast on the sermon-cast page. Check back each Sunday for new content. The podcast will soon be listed with major services. Why not put them on the same page? Due to limitations of our website builder.
By the way, here's the Lutheran Confessions, The Book of Concord, online and in the public domain. These writings, including Luther's Small & Large Catechisms are frequently referenced in these devotional studies. The Confessions are the historic doctrinal standard of the Lutheran Church and a faithful exposition of the Bible. You could say they are squared, leveled, and plumb by and to the Bible itself.
Clarity Acts 2:22-36
God tells us what he’s doing & how he does it
Current Series: The Birth of the Church
Labor can be confusing; the delivery brings clarity
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...#1 Identify the Trinitarian references in this passage & the other readings for the day. You may need to look across multiple verses, i.e., Acts 2: 32-33; John 3:5-7 & 16-17
New Life John 15:1-8
A branch has no life of its own
Current Series: Abide
God makes his abode with us
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...#1 What is the connection between v13 & 10:11-17; 13:37-38; 1 John 3:16? The phrase is unique to St. John’s writings. See also Exodus 12; Leviticus 16:21-22; John 1:29; Romans 5:6-11
New Life
John 15:1-8
A branch has no life of its own
Current Series: Abide
God makes his abode with us
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...#3 Consider Leviticus 19:18 & Galatians 5:22-23 (also Ephesians 2:10, 5:9, 19-20; Colossians 3:12-17; James 3:17-18; 2 Peter 1:5-8). How has God pruned you in order to bear more fruit (v2)?
Soul Food John 21:1-19
Get to know Jesus by eating with him
Current Series: Let's Eat
Life together is more than food, but not less
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...#5 Consider John 6:11 & 13:4-5 alongside vv9-12. Once again Jesus serves his disciples (not the other way around, cf. Matthew 20:25-28). What makes meal service (cf. vv15-17) such a powerful example & symbol for Christian work in the world? Who is your congregation feeding in both senses? Who needs to be fed in your congregation’s neighborhood? How can you help?
Feed Your Mind Luke 24:36b-48
Get to know Jesus by eating with him
Current Series: Let's Eat
Life together is more than food, but not less
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...#1 People think & believe all manner of things about God, faithfulness, & Jesus that are not found in or backed up by the Bible. How do we know the Old Testament tells us about Jesus? See Matthew 10:35-36 (Micah 7:6), 13:14-15 21:13, 42, 22:43-44, 26:31; Luke 4:16-21, 22:37, 24:25-27, 44-48; John 6:45, 12:35-43, 13:18, 15:25
Big Reveal John 20:19-31
To eat with each other nourishes the whole person
Current Series: Let's Eat
Life together is more than food, but not less
Study & Share Insert
...#1 Compare this with the Maundy Thursday story (John 13:1-17, 31-34). How do they connect to show an ideal picture of the New Testament pastorate/ priesthood? See Luke 24:44-49, Romans 10:13-15
He Lives! 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
Jesus lives, where even hope has died
Current Series:
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...#1 Review the “Passion Predictions” referenced in Mark 16:7, as well as 8:34-9:1; 9:33-37; 10:35-45 (see also 1 Corinthians 15:3-4). How do they shed light on the following Old Testament passages which model/prophesy/suggest the Messiah’s resurrection? Genesis 3:15, 22:1-18 (cf. Hebrews 11:17-19); Psalm 2:7 (cf. Acts 13:33), 16:1-11 (cf. Acts 2:25-28, 13:35-37), 22:1-31 esp. vv14-15, 25-27, 40:1-3, 110:1; Job 14:4, 19:25-26; Isaiah 53:8-10; Hosea 6:2; Zechariah 12:10; Jonah 1:17 (cf. Matthew 12:40) Note: at least some are not immediately obvious; check surrounding verse for additional context.
Finish Line 2 Samuel 7:1, 8-16
God guaranteed the covenant, and so he guarantees its completion
Current Series: Guaranteed!
God doesn’t go back on his word
Study & Share Insert
...#5 Consider Genesis 2:15-17, 3:9-13, 4:8-11, 6:5-8, 8:21, 9:5-6; Leviticus 26:3-46; Jeremiah 11:7-10, 31:31-34; Mark 10:45; Romans 1:18-32, 5:12-17, 6:23; 1 Corinthians 15:21-22; Ephesians 1:7-8; Hebrews 9:15-26. How do these passages help you explain the necessity of Jesus’ death on the cross to someone else? Use your study Bible’s footnotes for additional help.