This is Pastor Jared's weekly sermon info and his weekly Study and Share devotional Bible study. Unless otherwise noted all sermons and studies are copyright Jared Stillions 2020-2023. The devotional Bible studies may be reproduced & shared for personal, non-sale use, provided this copyright notice is included. The studies are formatted two to a page to make sharing it easier. Weekly posts go live at 9:00 AM on Sundays.
You can find his sermon podcast on the sermon-cast page. Check back each Sunday for new content. The podcast will soon be listed with major services. Why not put them on the same page? Due to limitations of our website builder.
By the way, here's the Lutheran Confessions, The Book of Concord, online and in the public domain. These writings, including Luther's Small & Large Catechisms are frequently referenced in these devotional studies. The Confessions are the historic doctrinal standard of the Lutheran Church and a faithful exposition of the Bible. You could say they are squared, leveled, and plumb by and to the Bible itself.
Cultural Christians Luke 19:28-40
Honest & earnest questions deserve honest & earnest responses
Current Series: Proclamation
How do I talk to people about Jesus?
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...#5 Who among your circle of family & friends are casual, non-committed, unconvinced, cultural Christians? How can the coming seasons of Advent & Christmas, with their rich stories & symbolism, give you an opportunity to speak to them while the Holy Spirit opens their mind to the Scriptures (cf. Luke 24:45) & you proclaim the Gospel (cf. Acts 8:26-39). Pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal to you the names of at least 3 of these people & to give you simple opportunities. See Luke 12:8-12, 1 Peter 3:15
Suffering Hebrews 9:24-28
God who has promised our redemption is faithful
Current Series: Redemption
The same yesterday, and today, and forever
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...#1 Review Exodus 24:3-8, 40:12-15 (Old Covenant ceremony; priests’ washing) Leviticus 16:2-34 (atonement & entering Most Holy Place). How does Hebrews use these Old Testament ceremonies to show Jesus’ sacrifice as fulfilling Exodus 19:5-6 in a greater & perfect way? See 1 Peter 2:9-10
Suffering Hebrews 9:24-28
Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins
Current Series: Redemption
The same yesterday, and today, and forever
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...#1 Our readings the last few weeks of the church year turn toward Jesus’ return to judge the living and the dead. What in each of today’s lessons points that direction? See 1 Kings 17:8-16; Psalm 146; Hebrews 9:24-28; Mark 12:38-44
Bloodshed Hebrews 9:11-22
Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins
Current Series: Redemption
The same yesterday, and today, and forever
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...#3 Notice John 11:34-35 (and vv28-37 more broadly). How does Jesus own heart for the brokenhearted at his friend Lazarus’ grave bring you comfort in your own times of grief & loss?
My Service Mark 10:42-52
People aren’t disposable, like Amazon boxes and grocery bags
Current Series: It's Not About Me
Your faithful life doesn’t revolve around you. A stewardship series
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...#2 By calling Jesus “Son of David” how does Bartimaeus “see” what the disciples don’t in vv32-40? See Matthew 1:1, 21:1-16; Mark 12:35-37; cf. John 9:1-41
My Money Mark 10:13-27
Our connections with others aren’t compartmentalized from our finances
Current Series: It's Not About Me
Your faithful life doesn’t revolve around you. A stewardship series
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...#1 Compare & contrast the example of the child (vv13-16) & the rich man (vv17-25). How does Jesus’ summary (vv26-27) emphasize & encourage child-like faith instead of adult achievement-oriented faith?
My Relationships Mark 10:1-12
People aren’t disposable, like Amazon boxes and grocery bags
Current Series: It's Not About Me
Your faithful life doesn’t revolve around you. A stewardship series
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...#6 Our culture has a loneliness epidemic*. Family dissolution contributes heavily to it. How can you be a friend to someone who has lost their family? People often comment that following tragedy they felt forgotten as the world moved on faster than they could. See 1 Kings 5:1; Job 6:14; Proverbs 17:9, 17, 18:24, 27:10
*cf. Podcast #618
Proof by Submission James 3:13-4:10
Our human love is derived from Jesus’s love for the church
Current Series: Prove It!
Faith active in love
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...#2 Read Revelation 19:11-21 (cf. 1:16, 2:16; Isaiah 49:2). What makes vv7-10 a better “battle plan” than, well, everything else? See Psalm 66:3; Matthew 5:1-12, 11:28-29, 12:39, 23:12; Luke 18:14
Proof by Words James 3:1-12
The words we speak are to glorify God, rather than harm or insult others
Current Series: Prove It!
Faith active in love
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...#1 How would you describe a “theme” across the readings of the day? Be specific. Hint: look for topics, parallel ideas, inversions, reversals, similarities, extensions, metaphors, actions, vocabulary, grammar, etc. Consider especially Isaiah 50:4; Psalm 116:1-2; James 3:5-10; Mark 8:27-30
Proof of Love James 2:1-10, 14-18
Our human love is derived from Jesus’s love for the church
Current Series: Prove It!
Faith active in love
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...#1 St. James exposes our greedy, covetous hearts (James 2:4) in attending to others. Jesus subverts all this in the gospel lesson (cf. 7:20-23). How do the woman & the man illustrate what St. James writes in James 2:5? See Matthew 5:1-12, 25:31-46; Romans 6:3-4