This is Pastor Jared's weekly sermon info and his weekly Study and Share devotional Bible study. Unless otherwise noted all sermons and studies are copyright Jared Stillions 2020-2023. The devotional Bible studies may be reproduced & shared for personal, non-sale use, provided this copyright notice is included. The studies are formatted two to a page to make sharing it easier. Weekly posts go live at 9:00 AM on Sundays.
You can find his sermon podcast on the sermon-cast page. Check back each Sunday for new content. The podcast will soon be listed with major services. Why not put them on the same page? Due to limitations of our website builder.
By the way, here's the Lutheran Confessions, The Book of Concord, online and in the public domain. These writings, including Luther's Small & Large Catechisms are frequently referenced in these devotional studies. The Confessions are the historic doctrinal standard of the Lutheran Church and a faithful exposition of the Bible. You could say they are squared, leveled, and plumb by and to the Bible itself.
Bridges Time John 6:51-58
He has helped his servant, according to his promise of mercy made to Abraham and his descendants forever
Current Series: The Heavenly Meal
Prepare us Lord to feast on the Bread of Life
Study & Share Insert:
...#5 It seems our contemporary culture is more upset by Jesus’ claims of particularity & exclusivity rather than his langue about flesh & blood. How does John 6:51-58 connect with John 3:13-21? How do the seven I Am statements (6:35, 8:12, 10:9, 10:11, 14, 11:25, 14:6, 15:1, 5) help you speak clearly to others about Jesus as the only savior who brings us forgiveness, life, & salvation?
Calls Us to Belief John 6:24-35
What must we do? It’s a gift- believe it!
Current Series: The Heavenly Meal
Prepare us Lord to feast on the Bread of Life
Study & Share Insert:
...#2 How does Jesus challenge & change the crowd’s perception of “work” (vv27-29)? See (cf. Mark 10:17-22) John 1:10-13, 3:17-21; Acts 13:38-39; Romans 3:20-22, 28; Galatians 2:16, 3:10-14, 24; Ephesians 2:8-9; see also Hosea 6:6
Feeds Us John 6:1-21
God feeds his people: with manna, with loaves & fish, with grace
Current Series: The Heavenly Meal
Prepare us Lord to feast on the Bread of Life
Study & Share Insert:
...#1 This is the only miracle in all four Gospels. Compare & contrast the accounts. What stands out to you? What new details do you notice? If you were on a jury, how well would these four witnesses convince you it happened as they testified? See Matthew 14:14-21; Mark 6:34-44; Luke 9:11-17
Extends to His Disciples Mark 6:1-16
Sent in his name, with his power, to accomplish his mission
Current Series: Power of God...
The Power of God is in the name of Jesus
Study & Share Insert:
...#2 We might say that King Herod has a guilty conscience. What connections do you find with John the Baptizer’s work (1:1-11, 14, 6:27-29)? What about Elijah (v15; 1 Kings 17:8-24, 18:17-18, 19:8-10, 21:11-19)?
To Heal Mark 5:21-24a, 35-43
To us, death is the end; to Jesus, it’s only sleeping
Current Series: Power of God...
The Power of God is in the name of Jesus
Study & Share Insert:
...#4 It’s often said that Christians need not fear death. What did Jesus teach (v35) this crowd? In what way do the following confirm this saying? See v39 above; Matthew 27:52; John 11:11, 13; Acts 7:60, 13:36; 1 Corinthians 11:30, 15:6, 18, 20, 51; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-15; Revelation 14:13
To Heal Mark 5:24b-34
An intimate healing encounter, God’s power comes through human touch
Current Series: Power of God... The Power of God is in the name of Jesus
Study & Share Insert:
...#3 When Jesus says “your faith has made you well (v34)” he doesn’t mean the woman caused her own healing by some inward power of her own. Her faith is that which trusts in Jesus to receive his good gifts. How is her faith like your own- especially as you consider the sacraments? See SmallCatechism: Baptism, Office of the Keys, Lord’s Supper; SC available
Storm vs. Calm Mark 4:35-41
Perhaps we speak too soon when asking, “Hey God! Don’t you care?”
Current Series:
A Contrasting Kingdom The Kingdom of God stands whole; it is not divided into parts
Study & Share Insert:
...#2 What would changing the first reading to Jonah 1:1--2:1 add to (or subtract from) your insights about the Gospel reading? What happens if you compare throwing Jonah overboard to Jesus’ death (cf. Matthew 12:38-41)? What about using Proverbs 30:1-5? See also Psalms 104:3, 135:7
Faith vs. Sight Mark 4:26-34
We can’t see over the end, but we know what awaits us.
Current Series:
A Contrasting Kingdom The Kingdom of God stands whole; it is not divided into parts
Study & Share Insert:
...#1 Compare & contrast the Ezekiel (17:22-24) lesson & the Gospel. What connections make the Ezekiel lesson a good fit as a model or prototype for the Gospel lesson? Hint: in Ezekiel the tree symbolizes a particular person/role & the birds likely signify other nations.
United in Battle & Triumph Mark 3:20-35
God’s kingdom is united by Jesus himself against “momentary afflictions” like Satan & evil powers.
Current Series:
A Contrasting Kingdom The Kingdom of God stands whole; it is not divided into parts
Study & Share Insert:
...#1 How does this story connect with the OT reading? With these later episodes (Mark 6:1-6; 13:9-13; also Matthew 10:16-38; Luke 12:49-53) & with John 8:31-59 (also 5:17-46)?