Our Christmas Eve & Day sermons are...
12.24 Let Us Go
Somehow going there helps us see it right here.
12.25 Returning with Joy
We’ll soon return to “business as usual” with the holidays over, but with a treasure of joy.
12.27 No Sermon
Our lessons and carols service. We'll hear and sing the story of our dear Savior's birth from its promise in the Old Testament to its fulfilment in the New Testament.
Current Series:
Our Christmas celebrations bridge the gap between back then, right now, and what’s still to come, as well as, back there, right here, and over yonder.
Study & Share Insert
12.24 #1 Why might God send the angels to poor shepherds & not the powerful elite? See 2 Samuel 7:8, 16; Isaiah 61:1-3a; Jeremiah 23:1-6; Matthew 5:1-12, 11:25; John 1:29, 35-36, (10:11, 14-15); 2 Corinthians 4:3-4
Download the rest (*.pdf) SS2020-12-24_ChristmasEVE
12.25 ...#2. Compare & contrast the shepherds & their reaction with these other gospel characters & reactions.
See Luke 4:16-29, 8:26-39, 9:57-62, 17:11-19, 18:18-30, 23:1-25, 24:13-25; John 1:35-51, 4:25-30,
6:41-69, 8:1-11, 9:1-17, 30-41, 19:4-12, 20:11-18
Download the rest (*.pdf) SS2020-12-25_ChristmasDAY
12.27 ...#5. How have people come to believe through you? See v7 Check out this funny story from the Babylon Bee website https://bit.ly/3rhZdMG
Download the rest (*.pdf) SS2020-12-27_LessonsCarols
You can catch our Christmas service videos and sermoncast.